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Pop Beads

82" x 82"


When wanting to showcase fabulous fabrics, I try to remember KISS - Keep It Simple and Sassy! When your palette consists of the exuberant colors that Kaffe Fassett fabrics provide, why not let them do the work for you? I tweaked a simple, traditional block that will allow the fabrics to shine, squeezing in just a bit of black to give additional definition and a place for the eye to rest. Ripple quilting done by free motion machine adds a counterpoint to the geometric lines of the piecing.

Since this is meant to be a utility quilt (made to be used, washed, laundered, snuggled under, etc.) rather than a touch-me-not heirloom, I didn’t care if intersections didn’t alway match exactly or it the quilting lines occasionally had a mind of their own. A shocking statement for a quilt judge to make? Not if you follow my first and most important consideration when starting a project: Consider the intended use. This guideline will guide you along  the dozens of decisions that must be made in the creation of a quilt. For me, utility quilt creation calls for a bit of relaxation among the “rules” of design and technical skills that might be more strictly adhered to if I was making a quilt for show or heirloom purposes. The cats are welcome on my utility quilts, not so much on the heirloom ones!


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