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Where Love Grows

2022, 91" x 91"

A happy labor of love for the happiest of occasions: daughter Gabrielle and son-in-law Paul’s May 21, 2022 wedding. Although the pandemic forced Gigi and Paul to postpone their wedding a year, it gave me additional time to add hand quilting to most of this quilt. Alas, two borders would simply not be completed in time for the wedding, so free-motion quilting came to the rescue.

The pattern is Laundry Basket Quilt’s “Family Tree,” however, adaptations were employed. The applique blocks were enlarged by 125% and several additional borders were added to take the quilt from a published 62” x 62” size to bed quilt proportions. Also, several original blocks were substituted for ones in the pattern: Gigi and Paul’s wedding logo was reinterpreted as an applique block, and motifs in the border were replaced with personally meaningful blocks, including intertwined hearts, a teacup for Gigi’s love of high tea, a Notre Dame football for Paul’s alma mater and football team obsession, a dove to represent Gigi’s diplomatic career, and a castle to represent future homes and possible dream estate purchases. An airplane represents Gigi’s love of flying and travel, and a submarine for Paul’s submariner naval career. A mouse sits atop the submarine, as Paul discovered one sailing in a toy submarine he had floating in a backyard pool!

Starting Date: June 2, 2020

Completion Date: April 26, 2022

Batting: Hobbs Tuscany Collection Silk Blend

Hand Applique, Hand Quilting, Machine Piecing, Machine Quilting, Embroidery


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